Revolutionary Study Guide

This is a comprehensive master list full of radical literature, all of which are FREE. Enjoy and share!

Hi I’m Tay! Welcome to my list of free radical resources. (Twitter: @bountay_/Instagram: @bountayy)

The intention of this page is not to be an exhaustive reading list, but a compilation of free books that are accessible to all. I hope to spread the gift of making radical literature accessible to the masses, with the aim of politically educating people across the world to work towards the liberation of the oppressed and marginalised. If you have any suggestions, please comment or send them to me on my social media, I will do my best to find a free copy! Happy reading! 


With the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Palestine, I have collated a list of free resources and free books. Political education is key to understanding the Palestinian genocide and apartheid, whilst also celebrating the wonderful Palestinian voices from the region.

Some things we can do: Radical education, committing to BDS, pressuring Trade Unions, Protesting, sharing and posting on social media by debunking propaganda.


Beginners Guides to Marxism

Workers World Books








Burkina Faso











South Africa

Black Radical Literature

Black Women Literature

Black British Literature

Other Resources


Anti-Capitalist/Marxist-Communist Feminism (The Basics)

Literature on Gender

Free Book Archives

28 replies on “Revolutionary Study Guide”

thank you so much for this. i’ve been following you on twitter for a few months now and i’ve learned more than i’ve ever had in my 10+ years in school. This was a great masterpost.
An idea i have is to include films/docs that could possibly give more insight? I remember there was one Communist (Mao era) Chinese film you recommended on Twitter, that could possibly be included in the list. Never watched the Che films (the ones w benicio del toro) or the motorcycle diaries (or read the book), so not sure if those are good options or not, but just a suggestion.
anyway thanks for compiling this. i was a complete newbie to all of this, but because of all these resources im gradually learning and developing myself.

Liked by 2 people

Hey comrade! I really love this study guide! Definitely keep working on it, though I should point out that there’s a decent amount of broken links on here.

Here’s the ones I could pick up:

both Mark Tauger pdfs, The Battle for China’s Past, Was Mao Really A Monster, Gender and Colonialism, A Documentary History of Fidel Castro’s Revolution, Guerrilla Warfare, Western DPRK Propaganda (site taken over by Star Wars fans), The Mexican Commune, Cheran Michoacan, The Mirror of Dignity, Where Have All the Marxists Gone, War Against The Panthers, The Assassination of Fred Hampton, The PKK Website, Katanga, Open Veins of Latin America, Eurocentrism, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Liberalism a Counter History, Male Privilege Checklist, What is Classism, Bell Hooks Masterlist, The Angela Davis Reader (only an excerpt from the book), and the Trans Resource Masterlist.

Sorry if this is a bit overwhelming, but thank you for doing such a wonderful job curating this! ^3^

Liked by 1 person

thank you so much for this, i haven’t been able to educate myself on this topic in a cohesive and easy manner given my adhd and life situation. anyways, again, THANK YOU SO MUCH

Liked by 1 person

I wish you added more Haitian text and literature since us Haitians were the first ones to create a revolution overthrowing white slave owners and freeing themselves from slavery……. one of the biggest and successful Black revolutions to date. It’s a shame that with all this revolutionary text, theres none of that or even the combahee-river collective which is way more inclusive than the marxism texts………

Liked by 1 person

Hey! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, this is not an exhaustive list so as soon as I get time I am going to be revamping and putting this onto the list. Appreciate the feedback 🙂


Hi just double checked and there is The Black Jacobins by CLR James which has been on there for some time, also Combahee river collective statement is also on there 🙂


Thank you for do this, I have follow you in Twitter. Viva la Revolución. Health and Republic ✊❤️💛💜


“The greatest mistake of the movement has been trying to organize a sleeping people around specific goals. You have to wake the people up first, then you’ll get action.” – Malcolm X
Thank you for helping wake us up! Your efforts to put this list together and make it widely, and freely available are much appreciated.


Hi comrades appreciate your work! The gender and colonialism under India was denied access, could you please update? Thank you


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